
Week Beginning 25th November

This week I plan to go to Alice's and take photos of her at home and then go to the arboretum in Nottingham City Centre and take photos of her appreciating the beauty of God's creation.

Date Achieved: 26th

I also plan on going and taking photos of her in her day to day life at Sixth Form

In Fridays lesson I will edit my photos I took of Alice on Tuesday on Phtotoshop and try creating a light shining down on her as a way to show Gods presence.

Date Achieved: 29th

Week Beginning 2nd December

This week I plan to take photos of peoples eyes and then upload them onto the computer and start editing them on photoshop and then I will experiment with them in the photos of Alice along with the light shining on her.

Week Beginning 9th December

This week I plan to take photos of Alice in the studio being still with people walking around her in the background by using a slow shutter speed and having the camera on bulb setting so that I can flash when I want it to flash.

Week Beginning 6th January

This week I will put the photos I took over Christmas on my blog and I will do some more editing on Photoshop.

On Saturday I will take some more photos of Alice

Week Beginning 13th January

This week I will edit the photos I took of Alice on Saturday and I will put them on my blog

I will also plan to take more photos of Alice as so far I have 1 potential final Photo. I need a Photo of Alice lying down in a room of people with their feet walking around her. I will take this photo with a couple of seconds as the shutter speed and have the camera on a tripod.

I also want a photo of Alice inside a church doing the same and in a field, on a road (dead end) on top of school books, in her home.

Then when I have 5 or 6 photos of her I will put them together and then incorporate the verse "The LORD will fight for you, you need only to be Still." (Exodus 14:14)

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