Reshooting Final Images

Originally, one of my friends posed as my model, but towards the end of the project, this became impractical, because it would have become time-consuming for her to lie down in 24 different places.   For this reason, I have decided to re-shoot my final photos with my sister, because she is someone who is easy to use as a model.   I haven't changed my idea and I will take the photos in the same way.  I will ask my sister, Naomi, to lie down in 24 different places and situations, in the same crucifix position that I previously used with Alice.   I have made a list of all the places I will get my sister to lie down in and then I will choose from them my final photographs.

Different concrete
Car Park
Old Train track
Living Room
School Uniform
Breakfast Bowl

I have spent the past few weeks re shooting these photographs. I will edit them on photoshop making sure they are the same size and then I will print them and mount them onto cardboard in the shape of a crucifix. I will also incorporate the Bible verse: 

"The LORD will fight for you, you need only to be still."

I have re-shot the photos and cropped them in PhotoShop so that they are all the same shape and size, and so that in all of the photos, Naomi is in exactly the same position.   I have taken and edited 29 photos of which I require 24 for the end product, so I intend to select the best 24 for my final display.

 It was my aim to create the image of a crucifix.   This compositional effect was achieved, by rotating the image through 180 degrees, before cropping it into a square format.
This format was a common factor in each of my 24 photographs.

The different setting for each photograph reflects the different aspects of Naomi's life.   The photograph above, taken on a school playground, is particularly striking because of the cracks, which are highlighted.   The cracks symbolise the damage caused in our lives by sin.  The crucifix reminds us of the answer to that damage.

The photograph above, was taken on safety surfacing called 'Cushion Fall' in an adventure playground.  This is a reminder that there are times when our faith can give us a feeling of
security and safety.  

In pastures green...

Contrasting images above and below.

The photograph above is particularly effective because the bridge and its curved rope
handrails create an unusual sense of perspective.

This photograph captures Naomi's love of reading, 
which all started with children's picture books.

This unusual advertising on the pavement creates an interesting effect.
It is a reminder that we are surrounded by words and images,
which are designed to influence us.

The leading lines in this photograph, taken in an
empty fountain in Nottingham's Market Square, 
create a striking sense of height. 

This image was intended to portray Naomi's love of
 shopping in Nottingham.  It was taken in Waterstones,
but on reflection, I could have made better use of
props to capture the specific feel of a bookshop

Naomi appreciates the beauty of the world, especially plants and flowers.
Christians believe that because of Jesus' crucifixion, they can come to know their Creator. 

Although the same compositional format has been adopted in the photograph above, the picture does not 'work' because it is not strong enough.   The lighting means that the shadow spoils the definition of the photograph.   On the other hand, similar lighting in the photograph below, has been used to better effect, by capturing the shadows to create an intriguing sense of symmetry.

My intention with this photograph, taken in an empty car parking space, was to use the lines as leading lines.  However, the most interesting aspect of this photograph, which makes 
it unique in the collection, is the way Naomi is looking at the camera. 

This had not been intentional, but I noticed that whether this photo is upside down, or not, 
Naomi is always looking upward - another reference to the Christian's lifestyle.

The width of this narrow shop aisle, above, gives an impression that the shelves are moving inward, towards each other.   This depicts the pressure of the consumer society.

Using the dog as a prop created an interesting effect as well as depicting an important aspect of Naomi's family life.

The markings on the lino floor create strong vertical lines and the 
natural light is used effectively to strengthen the colours.
After several experiments, I opted for this composition,
which depicts entertainment.

A pleasing result, above, was achieved using the pattern of the cobbles.
A reminder, that for the Christian, the pathway can at times be uneven...

The broad white lines of the pedestrian crossing create leading lines and perspective.

Strong leading lines work particularly well when shooting in this format.
Here, the faded background and lack of shadow, creates an impression of Naomi
being suspended in mid-air.

The lines, angles and tessellations combine to create
interesting perspective. I particularly like the contrast of 
Naomi's blue jacket with the yellow lines.

Sometimes a lack of straightness can be corrected in PhotoShop, but possibilities for editing were limited due to the nature of the composition.

This photo, taken in a graveyard, bring us to the end of the project's journey.
To the Christian, the end of life's journey marks the start of eternal life
because of The Cross.

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