Film Photography


At the start of the year we were each given a film camera and a roll of film to take away from the lesson and take some photos, keeping weird and wonderful in mind. I took my camera around the place where I live. I live in Kimberley in Nottingham and there there is an old abandoned brewery which I thought would be an interesting thing to capture on photo. Unfortunately some of my photos did not work as there wasn't enough light exposure and I wasn't aware of how to use the camera and all its settings.

These are my original small print photos that I took with my film camera, the location at which I took these photos were around Kimberley which is where I live, I took the photos of Kimberley Brewery which is derelict now, I also took photos of the Windmill Ruin next to my house and also photos of the skate park nearer to the centre of Kimberly. Most of my photos turned out completely black because they were not exposed to enough sunlight as I took my photos on a very dull day and didn't do anything to the camera settings as I was unaware of how to use it.

This is the photo I decided to enlarge as I thought this photo was one of the more clearer ones that I took and I like the angle of it, I think it relates to weird and wonderful because it's the old and the new captured in one photo, Old because it is a ruin and new because of the bars holding it together now.

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